0.5.0: 2013-02-16

  • 100% (mock) test coverage

  • Add support for the announced meta endpoint.

  • Add support for conditional refreshing, e.g.,

    import github3
    u = github3.user('sigmavirus24')
    # some time later
    u.refresh()  # Will ALWAYS send a GET request and lower your rate limit
    u.refresh(True)  # Will send the GET with a header such that if nothing
                     # has changed, it will not count against your rate limit
                     # otherwise you'll get the updated user object.
  • Add support for conditional iterables. What this means is that you can do:

    import github3
    i = github3.iter_all_repos(10)
    for repo in i:
        # do stuff
    i = github3.iter_all_repos(10, etag=i.etag)

    And the second call will only give you the new repositories since the last request. This mimics behavior in pengwynn/octokit

  • Add support for sortable stars.

  • In github3.users.User, iter_keys now allows you to iterate over any user’s keys. No name is returned for each key. This is the equivalent of visiting: github.com/:user.keys

  • In github3.repos.Repository, pubsubhubbub has been removed. Use github3.github.Github.pubsubhubbub instead

  • In github3.api, iter_repo_issues’s signature has been corrected.

  • Remove list_{labels, comments, events} methods from github3.issues.Issue

  • Remove list_{comments, commits, files} methods from github3.pulls.PullRequest

  • In github3.gists.Gist:

    • the user attribute was changed by GitHub and is now the owner attribute

    • the public attribute and the is_public method return the same information. The method will be removed in the next version.

    • the is_starred method now requires authentication

    • the default refresh method is no longer over-ridden. In a change made in before, a generic refresh method was added to most objects. This was overridden in the Gist object and would cause otherwise unexpected results.

  • github3.events.Event.is_public() and github3.events.Event.public now return the same information. In the next version, the former will be removed.

  • In github3.issues.Issue

    • add_labels now returns the list of Labels on the issue instead of a boolean.

    • remove_label now returns a boolean.

    • remove_all_labels and replace_labels now return lists. The former should return an empty list on a successful call. The latter should return a list of github3.issue.Label objects.

  • Now we won’t get spurious GitHubErrors on 404s, only on other expected errors whilst accessing the json in a response. All methods that return an object can now actually return None if it gets a 404 instead of just raising an exception. (Inspired by #49)

  • GitHubStatus API now works.