Anonymous Functional API

This part of the documentation covers the API. This is intended to be a beautifully written module which allows the user (developer) to interact with elegantly and easily.

Module Contents

To interact with the GitHub API you can either authenticate to access protected functionality or you can interact with it anonymously. Authenticating provides more functionality to the user (developer).

To authenticate, you may use github3.login().

github3.login(username=None, password=None, token=None, two_factor_callback=None)

Construct and return an authenticated GitHub session.


To allow you to specify either a username and password combination or a token, none of the parameters are required. If you provide none of them, you will receive None.

  • username (str) – login name
  • password (str) – password for the login
  • token (str) – OAuth token
  • two_factor_callback (func) – (optional), function you implement to provide the Two-factor Authentication code to GitHub when necessary


With the GitHub object that is returned you have access to more functionality. See that object’s documentation for more information.

To use the API anonymously, you can also create a new GitHub object, e.g.,

from github3 import GitHub

gh = GitHub()

Or you can use the following functions:

Anonymous Functions

github3.authorize(username, password, scopes, note='', note_url='', client_id='', client_secret='', two_factor_callback=None, github=None)

Obtain an authorization token for the GitHub API.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.authorize() instead.

  • username (str) – (required)
  • password (str) – (required)
  • scopes (list) – (required), areas you want this token to apply to, i.e., ‘gist’, ‘user’
  • note (str) – (optional), note about the authorization
  • note_url (str) – (optional), url for the application
  • client_id (str) – (optional), 20 character OAuth client key for which to create a token
  • client_secret (str) – (optional), 40 character OAuth client secret for which to create the token
  • two_factor_callback (func) – (optional), function to call when a Two-Factor Authentication code needs to be provided by the user.
  • github (GitHub) – (optional), GitHub (or GitHubEnterprise) object for login.


Deprecated Functions


Due to GitHub’s anonymous rate limits, it’s strongly advised that you don’t use these functions.

github3.create_gist(description, files)

Create an anonymous public gist.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.create_gist() instead.

  • description (str) – (required), short description of the gist
  • files (dict) – (required), file names with associated dictionaries for content, e.g. {‘spam.txt’: {‘content’: ‘File contents …’}}



Retrieve the gist identified by id_num.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.gist() instead.

Parameters:id_num (int) – (required), unique id of the gist

Return the template for language.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.gitignore_template() instead.


Return the list of available templates.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.gitignore_templates() instead.

Returns:list of template names
github3.issue(owner, repository, number)

Anonymously gets issue :number on :owner/:repository.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.issue() instead.

  • owner (str) – (required), repository owner
  • repository (str) – (required), repository name
  • number (int) – (required), issue number


github3.issues_on(owner, repository, milestone=None, state=None, assignee=None, mentioned=None, labels=None, sort=None, direction=None, since=None, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over issues on owner/repository.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.issues_on() instead.

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • The state parameter now accepts ‘all’ in addition to ‘open’ and ‘closed’.

  • owner (str) – login of the owner of the repository
  • repository (str) – name of the repository
  • milestone (int) – None, ‘*’, or ID of milestone
  • state (str) – accepted values: (‘all’, ‘open’, ‘closed’) api-default: ‘open’
  • assignee (str) – ‘*’ or login of the user
  • mentioned (str) – login of the user
  • labels (str) – comma-separated list of label names, e.g., ‘bug,ui,@high’
  • sort (str) – accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘comments’) api-default: created
  • direction (str) – accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’) api-default: desc
  • since (datetime or string) – (optional), Only issues after this date will be returned. This can be a datetime or an ISO8601 formatted date string, e.g., 2012-05-20T23:10:27Z
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1 returns all issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of ShortIssues

github3.all_repositories(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over every repository in the order they were created.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.all_repositories() instead.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Repository

github3.all_users(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over every user in the order they signed up for GitHub.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.all_users() instead.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of users to return. Default: -1, returns all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of User

github3.all_events(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over public events.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.all_events() instead.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of events to return. Default: -1 returns all available events
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Event

github3.followers_of(username, number=-1, etag=None)

List the followers of username.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.followers_of() instead.

  • username (str) – (required), login of the person to list the followers of
  • number (int) – (optional), number of followers to return, Default: -1, return all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of User

github3.followed_by(username, number=-1, etag=None)

List the people username follows.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.followed_by() instead.

  • username (str) – (required), login of the user
  • number (int) – (optional), number of users being followed by username to return. Default: -1, return all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of User

github3.public_gists(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over all public gists.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.public_gists() instead.

New in version 1.0: This was split from github3.iter_gists before 1.0.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of gists to return. Default: -1, return all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Gist

github3.gists_by(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over gists created by the provided username.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.gists_by() instead.

  • username (str) – (required), if provided, get the gists for this user instead of the authenticated user.
  • number (int) – (optional), number of gists to return. Default: -1, return all of them
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Gist

github3.organizations_with(username, number=-1, etag=None)

List the organizations with username as a member.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.organizations_with() instead.

  • username (str) – (required), login of the user
  • number (int) – (optional), number of orgs to return. Default: -1, return all of the issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of ShortOrganization

github3.repositories_by(username, type=None, sort=None, direction=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List public repositories for the specified username.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.organizations_with() instead.

New in version 0.6.


This replaces github3.iter_repos

  • username (str) – (required)
  • type (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘all’, ‘owner’, ‘member’) API default: ‘all’
  • sort (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘pushed’, ‘full_name’) API default: ‘created’
  • direction (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’), API default: ‘asc’ when using ‘full_name’, ‘desc’ otherwise
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Repository objects

github3.starred_by(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories starred by username.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.starred_by() instead.

  • username (str) – (optional), name of user whose stars you want to see
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Repository

github3.subscriptions_for(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories subscribed to by username.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.subscriptions_for() instead.

  • username (str) – name of user whose subscriptions you want to see
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of Repository

github3.markdown(text, mode='', context='', raw=False)

Render an arbitrary markdown document.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.markdown() instead.

  • text (str) – (required), the text of the document to render
  • mode (str) – (optional), ‘markdown’ or ‘gfm’
  • context (str) – (optional), only important when using mode ‘gfm’, this is the repository to use as the context for the rendering
  • raw (bool) – (optional), renders a document like a, no gfm, no context

str – HTML formatted text


Return an easter egg from the API.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.octocat() instead.

Params str say:(optional), pass in what you’d like Octocat to say
Returns:ascii art of Octocat

Return an Organization object for the login name.

Parameters:username (str) – (required), login name of the org
Returns:the organization
Return type:Organization
github3.pull_request(owner, repository, number)

Anonymously retrieve pull request :number on :owner/:repository.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.pull_request() instead.

  • owner (str) – (required), repository owner
  • repository (str) – (required), repository name
  • number (int) – (required), pull request number



Return a dictionary with information from /rate_limit.

The dictionary has two keys: resources and rate. In resources you can access information about core or search.

Note: the rate key will be deprecated before version 3 of the GitHub API is finalized. Do not rely on that key. Instead, make your code future-proof by using core in resources, e.g.,

rates = g.rate_limit()
rates['resources']['core']  # => your normal ratelimit info
rates['resources']['search']  # => your search ratelimit info

New in version 0.8.

Returns:ratelimit mapping
Return type:dict
github3.repository(owner, repository)

Retrieve the desired repository.

  • owner (str) – (required)
  • repository (str) – (required)

the repository

Return type:


github3.search_code(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find code via the code search API.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.search_code() instead.


You will only be able to make 5 calls with this or other search functions. To raise the rate-limit on this set of endpoints, create an authenticated GitHub Session with login.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifiers:

  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the file contents, the file path, or both.
  • language Searches code based on the language it’s written in.
  • fork Specifies that code from forked repositories should be searched. Repository forks will not be searchable unless the fork has more stars than the parent repository.
  • size Finds files that match a certain size (in bytes).
  • path Specifies the path that the resulting file must be at.
  • extension Matches files with a certain extension.
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., addClass in:file language:js repo:jquery/jquery
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; option(s): indexed; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all available repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of CodeSearchResult

github3.search_issues(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find issues by state and keyword

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.search_issues() instead.


You will only be able to make 5 calls with this or other search functions. To raise the rate-limit on this set of endpoints, create an authenticated GitHub Session with login.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • type With this qualifier you can restrict the search to issues or pull request only.
  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the title, body, comments, or any combination of these.
  • author Finds issues created by a certain user.
  • assignee Finds issues that are assigned to a certain user.
  • mentions Finds issues that mention a certain user.
  • commenter Finds issues that a certain user commented on.
  • involves Finds issues that were either created by a certain user, assigned to that user, mention that user, or were commented on by that user.
  • state Filter issues based on whether they’re open or closed.
  • labels Filters issues based on their labels.
  • language Searches for issues within repositories that match a certain language.
  • created or updated Filters issues based on times of creation, or when they were last updated.
  • comments Filters issues based on the quantity of comments.
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., windows label:bug
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: created, comments, updated; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1, returns all available issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of IssueSearchResult

github3.search_repositories(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find repositories via various criteria.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.search_repositories() instead.


You will only be able to make 5 calls with this or other search functions. To raise the rate-limit on this set of endpoints, create an authenticated GitHub Session with login.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the repository name, description, readme, or any combination of these.
  • size Finds repositories that match a certain size (in kilobytes).
  • forks Filters repositories based on the number of forks, and/or whether forked repositories should be included in the results at all.
  • created or pushed Filters repositories based on times of creation, or when they were last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples: created:<2011, pushed:<2013-02, pushed:>=2013-03-06
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.
  • language Searches repositories based on the language they’re written in.
  • stars Searches repositories based on the number of stars.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., tetris language:assembly
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: stars, forks, updated; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all available repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of Repository

github3.search_users(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find users via the Search API.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.search_users() instead.


You will only be able to make 5 calls with this or other search functions. To raise the rate-limit on this set of endpoints, create an authenticated GitHub Session with login.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • type With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just personal accounts or just organization accounts.
  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the username, public email, full name, or any combination of these.
  • repos Filters users based on the number of repositories they have.
  • location Filter users by the location indicated in their profile.
  • language Search for users that have repositories that match a certain language.
  • created Filter users based on when they joined.
  • followers Filter users based on the number of followers they have.

For more information about these qualifiers see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., tom repos:>42 followers:>1000
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: followers, repositories, or joined; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of search results to return; Default: -1 returns all available
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag header value of the last request.

generator of UserSearchResult


Retrieve a User object for the specified user name.

Parameters:username (str) – name of the user
Returns:the user
Return type:User

Return a quote from the Zen of GitHub. Yet another API Easter Egg.

Deprecated since version 1.2.0: Use github3.github.GitHub.zen() instead.


Enterprise Use

If you’re using to interact with an enterprise installation of GitHub, you must use the GitHubEnterprise object. Upon initialization, the only parameter you must supply is the URL of your enterprise installation, e.g.

from github3 import GitHubEnterprise

g = GitHubEnterprise('')
stats = g.admin_stats('all')
assert 'issues' in stats, ('Key issues is not included in the admin'