
This part of the documentation covers the GitHub object. A large portion of what you will likely want to do can be found in this class. If you’re looking for anonymous functions, you’re most likely looking for the API.


Examples utilizing this object can be found here.

GitHub Object

class github3.github.GitHub(username='', password='', token='')

Stores all the session information.

There are two ways to log into the GitHub API

from github3 import login
g = login(user, password)
g = login(token=token)
g = login(user, token=token)


from github3 import GitHub
g = GitHub(user, password)
g = GitHub(token=token)
g = GitHub(user, token=token)

This is simple backward compatibility since originally there was no way to call the GitHub object with authentication parameters.


Add the addresses to the authenticated user’s account.

Parameters:addresses (list) – (optional), email addresses to be added
Returns:list of email objects
Return type:[Email]
all_events(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over public events.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of events to return. Default: -1 returns all available events
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of events

Return type:


all_organizations(number=-1, since=None, etag=None, per_page=None)

Iterate over every organization in the order they were created.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of organizations to return. Default: -1, returns all of them
  • since (int) – (optional), last organization id seen (allows restarting an iteration)
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint
  • per_page (int) – (optional), number of organizations to list per request

generator of organizations

Return type:


all_repositories(number=-1, since=None, etag=None, per_page=None)

Iterate over every repository in the order they were created.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all of them
  • since (int) – (optional), last repository id seen (allows restarting an iteration)
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint
  • per_page (int) – (optional), number of repositories to list per request

generator of repositories

Return type:


all_users(number=-1, etag=None, per_page=None, since=None)

Iterate over every user in the order they signed up for GitHub.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Inserted the since parameter after the number parameter.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of users to return. Default: -1, returns all of them
  • since (int) – (optional), ID of the last user that you’ve seen.
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint
  • per_page (int) – (optional), number of users to list per request

generator of users

Return type:



Return the attributes for this object as a dictionary.

This is equivalent to calling:

Returns:this object’s attributes serialized to a dictionary
Return type:dict

Return the json data for this object.

This is equivalent to calling:

Returns:this object’s attributes as a JSON string
Return type:str

Get information about authorization id.

Parameters:id_num (int) – (required), unique id of the authorization
authorizations(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over authorizations for the authenticated user.


This will return a 404 if you are using a token for authentication.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of authorizations to return. Default: -1 returns all available authorizations
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of authorizations

Return type:


authorize(username, password, scopes=None, note='', note_url='', client_id='', client_secret='')

Obtain an authorization token.

The retrieved token will allow future consumers to use the API without a username and password.

  • username (str) – (required)
  • password (str) – (required)
  • scopes (list) – (optional), areas you want this token to apply to, i.e., ‘gist’, ‘user’
  • note (str) – (optional), note about the authorization
  • note_url (str) – (optional), url for the application
  • client_id (str) – (optional), 20 character OAuth client key for which to create a token
  • client_secret (str) – (optional), 40 character OAuth client secret for which to create the token

created authorization

Return type:



Check an authorization created by a registered application.

OAuth applications can use this method to check token validity without hitting normal rate limits because of failed login attempts. If the token is valid, it will return True, otherwise it will return False.

Returns:True if token is valid, False otherwise
Return type:bool
create_gist(description, files, public=True)

Create a new gist.

Changed in version 1.1.0: Per GitHub’s recent announcement authentication is now required for creating gists.

  • description (str) – (required), description of gist
  • files (dict) – (required), file names with associated dictionaries for content, e.g. {'spam.txt': {'content': 'File contents ...'}}
  • public (bool) – (optional), make the gist public if True

the created gist if successful, otherwise None

Return type:

created gist

Return type:


create_issue(owner, repository, title, body=None, assignee=None, milestone=None, labels=[], assignees=None)

Create an issue on the repository.


body, assignee, assignees, milestone, labels are all optional.


This method retrieves the repository first and then uses it to create an issue. If you’re making several issues, you should use repository and then use create_issue

  • owner (str) – (required), login of the owner
  • repository (str) – (required), repository name
  • title (str) – (required), Title of issue to be created
  • body (str) – (optional), The text of the issue, markdown formatted
  • assignee (str) – (optional), Login of person to assign the issue to
  • assignees – (optional), logins of the users to assign the issue to
  • milestone (int) – (optional), id number of the milestone to attribute this issue to (e.g. if m is a Milestone object, m.number is what you pass here.)
  • labels (list) – (optional), List of label names.

created issue

Return type:


create_key(title, key, read_only=False)

Create a new key for the authenticated user.

  • title (str) – (required), key title
  • key (str) – (required), actual key contents, accepts path as a string or file-like object
  • read_only (bool) – (optional), restrict key access to read-only, default to False

created key

Return type:


create_repository(name, description='', homepage='', private=False, has_issues=True, has_wiki=True, auto_init=False, gitignore_template='')

Create a repository for the authenticated user.

  • name (str) –

    (required), name of the repository

  • description (str) – (optional)
  • homepage (str) – (optional)
  • private (str) – (optional), If True, create a private repository. API default: False
  • has_issues (bool) – (optional), If True, enable issues for this repository. API default: True
  • has_wiki (bool) – (optional), If True, enable the wiki for this repository. API default: True
  • auto_init (bool) – (optional), auto initialize the repository
  • gitignore_template (str) – (optional), name of the git template to use; ignored if auto_init = False.

created repository

Return type:



Delete the specified addresses the authenticated user’s account.

Parameters:addresses (list) – (optional), email addresses to be removed
Returns:True if successful, False otherwise
Return type:bool
emails(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over email addresses for the authenticated user.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of email addresses to return. Default: -1 returns all available email addresses
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of emails

Return type:



Retrieve a dictionary of all of the emojis that GitHub supports.

Returns:dictionary where the key is what would be in between the colons and the value is the URL to the image, e.g.,
    '+1': '',
    # ...

List GitHub’s timeline resources in Atom format.

Returns:dictionary parsed to include URITemplates
Return type:dict

Make the authenticated user follow the provided username.

Parameters:username (str) – (required), user to follow
Returns:True if successful, False otherwise
Return type:bool
followed_by(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over users being followed by username.

New in version 1.0.0: This replaces iter_following(‘sigmavirus24’).

  • username (str) – (required), login of the user to check
  • number (int) – (optional), number of people to return. Default: -1 returns all people you follow
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of users

Return type:


followers(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over followers of the authenticated user.

New in version 1.0.0: This replaces iter_followers().

  • number (int) – (optional), number of followers to return. Default: -1 returns all followers
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of followers

Return type:


followers_of(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over followers of username.

New in version 1.0.0: This replaces iter_followers(‘sigmavirus24’).

  • username (str) – (required), login of the user to check
  • number (int) – (optional), number of followers to return. Default: -1 returns all followers
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of followers

Return type:


following(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over users the authenticated user is following.

New in version 1.0.0: This replaces iter_following().

  • number (int) – (optional), number of people to return. Default: -1 returns all people you follow
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of users

Return type:


from_dict(json_dict, session)

Return an instance of this class formed from json_dict.

from_json(json, session)

Return an instance of this class formed from json.


Retrieve the gist using the specified id number.

Parameters:id_num (int) – (required), unique id of the gist
Returns:the gist identified by id_num
Return type:Gist
gists(number=-1, etag=None)

Retrieve the authenticated user’s gists.

New in version 1.0.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of gists to return. Default: -1, returns all available gists
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of short gists

Return type:


gists_by(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over the gists owned by a user.

New in version 1.0.

  • username (str) – login of the user who owns the gists
  • number (int) – (optional), number of gists to return. Default: -1 returns all available gists
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of short gists owned by the specified user

Return type:



Return the template for language.

Returns:the template string
Return type:str

Return the list of available templates.

Returns:list of template names
Return type:[str]

Check if the authenticated user is following login.

Parameters:username (str) – (required), login of the user to check if the authenticated user is checking
Returns:True if following, False otherwise
Return type:bool
is_starred(username, repo)

Check if the authenticated user starred username/repo.

  • username (str) – (required), owner of repository
  • repo (str) – (required), name of repository

True if starred, False otherwise

Return type:


issue(username, repository, number)

Fetch issue from owner/repository.

  • username (str) – (required), owner of the repository
  • repository (str) – (required), name of the repository
  • number (int) – (required), issue number

the issue

Return type:


issues(filter='', state='', labels='', sort='', direction='', since=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List all of the authenticated user’s (and organization’s) issues.

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • The state parameter now accepts ‘all’ in addition to ‘open’ and ‘closed’.

  • filter (str) – accepted values: (‘assigned’, ‘created’, ‘mentioned’, ‘subscribed’) api-default: ‘assigned’
  • state (str) – accepted values: (‘all’, ‘open’, ‘closed’) api-default: ‘open’
  • labels (str) – comma-separated list of label names, e.g., ‘bug,ui,@high’
  • sort (str) – accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘comments’) api-default: created
  • direction (str) – accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’) api-default: desc
  • since (datetime or str) – (optional), Only issues after this date will be returned. This can be a datetime or an ISO8601 formatted date string, e.g., 2012-05-20T23:10:27Z
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1 returns all issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of issues

Return type:


issues_on(username, repository, milestone=None, state=None, assignee=None, mentioned=None, labels=None, sort=None, direction=None, since=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List issues on owner/repository.

Only owner and repository are required.

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • The state parameter now accepts ‘all’ in addition to ‘open’ and ‘closed’.

  • username (str) – login of the owner of the repository
  • repository (str) – name of the repository
  • milestone (int) – None, ‘*’, or ID of milestone
  • state (str) – accepted values: (‘all’, ‘open’, ‘closed’) api-default: ‘open’
  • assignee (str) – ‘*’ or login of the user
  • mentioned (str) – login of the user
  • labels (str) – comma-separated list of label names, e.g., ‘bug,ui,@high’
  • sort (str) – accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘comments’) api-default: created
  • direction (str) – accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’) api-default: desc
  • since (datetime or str) – (optional), Only issues after this date will be returned. This can be a datetime or an ISO8601 formatted date string, e.g., 2012-05-20T23:10:27Z
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1 returns all issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of issues

Return type:



Get the authenticated user’s key specified by id_num.

Parameters:id_num (int) – (required), unique id of the key
Returns:created key
Return type:Key
keys(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over public keys for the authenticated user.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of keys to return. Default: -1 returns all your keys
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of keys

Return type:



Retrieve the license specified by the name.

Parameters:name (string) – (required), name of license
Returns:the specified license
Return type:License
licenses(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over open source licenses.

Returns:generator of short license objects
Return type:ShortLicense
login(username=None, password=None, token=None, two_factor_callback=None)

Log the user into GitHub for protected API calls.

  • username (str) – login name
  • password (str) – password for the login
  • token (str) – OAuth token
  • two_factor_callback (func) – (optional), function you implement to provide the Two Factor Authentication code to GitHub when necessary
markdown(text, mode='', context='', raw=False)

Render an arbitrary markdown document.

  • text (str) – (required), the text of the document to render
  • mode (str) – (optional), ‘markdown’ or ‘gfm’
  • context (str) – (optional), only important when using mode ‘gfm’, this is the repository to use as the context for the rendering
  • raw (bool) – (optional), renders a document like a, no gfm, no context

the HTML formatted markdown text

Return type:

str (or unicode on Python 2)


Retrieve the info for the authenticated user.

New in version 1.0: This was separated from the user method.

Returns:the representation of the authenticated user.
Return type:AuthenticatedUser

Retrieve the user’s membership in the specified organization.

Parameters:organization (Organization) – the organization or organization login to retrieve the authorized user’s membership in
Returns:the user’s membership
Return type:Membership

Retrieve a dictionary with arrays of addresses in CIDR format.

The addresses in CIDR format specify the addresses that the incoming service hooks will originate from.

New in version 0.5.

Returns:CIDR addresses
Return type:dict

Generate a new session.

Returns:A brand new session
Return type:GitHubSession
notifications(all=False, participating=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over the user’s notification.

  • all (bool) – (optional), iterate over all notifications
  • participating (bool) – (optional), only iterate over notifications in which the user is participating
  • number (int) – (optional), how many notifications to return
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of threads

Return type:



Return an easter egg of the API.

Params str say:(optional), pass in what you’d like Octocat to say
Returns:ascii art of Octocat
Return type:str (or unicode on Python 2)

Return an Organization object for the login name.

Parameters:username (str) – (required), login name of the org
Returns:the organization
Return type:Organization
organization_issues(name, filter='', state='', labels='', sort='', direction='', since=None, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over the organization’s issues.


This only works if the authenticated user belongs to it.

  • name (str) – (required), name of the organization
  • filter (str) – accepted values: (‘assigned’, ‘created’, ‘mentioned’, ‘subscribed’) api-default: ‘assigned’
  • state (str) – accepted values: (‘open’, ‘closed’) api-default: ‘open’
  • labels (str) – comma-separated list of label names, e.g., ‘bug,ui,@high’
  • sort (str) – accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘comments’) api-default: created
  • direction (str) – accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’) api-default: desc
  • since (datetime or str) – (optional), Only issues after this date will be returned. This can be a datetime or an ISO8601 formatted date string, e.g., 2012-05-20T23:10:27Z
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1, returns all available issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of issues

Return type:


organization_memberships(state=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List organizations of which the user is a current or pending member.

Parameters:state (str) – (option), state of the membership, i.e., active, pending
Returns:iterator of memberships
Return type:Membership
organizations(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over all organizations the authenticated user belongs to.

This will display both the private memberships and the publicized memberships.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of organizations to return. Default: -1 returns all available organizations
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of organizations

Return type:


organizations_with(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over organizations with username as a public member.

New in version 1.0.0: Replaces iter_orgs('sigmavirus24').

  • username (str) – (optional), user whose orgs you wish to list
  • number (int) – (optional), number of organizations to return. Default: -1 returns all available organizations
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of organizations

Return type:



Return the Project with id number.

Parameters:number (int) – id of the project
Returns:the project
Return type:Project

Return the ProjectCard with id number.

Parameters:number (int) – id of the project card

Return the ProjectColumn with id number.

Parameters:number (int) – id of the project column
public_gists(number=-1, etag=None)

Retrieve all public gists and iterate over them.

New in version 1.0.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of gists to return. Default: -1 returns all available gists
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of short gists

Return type:


pubsubhubbub(mode, topic, callback, secret='')

Create or update a pubsubhubbub hook.

  • mode (str) – (required), accepted values: (‘subscribe’, ‘unsubscribe’)
  • topic (str) – (required), form:
  • callback (str) – (required), the URI that receives the updates
  • secret (str) – (optional), shared secret key that generates a SHA1 HMAC of the payload content.

True if successful, False otherwise

Return type:


pull_request(owner, repository, number)

Fetch pull_request #:number: from :owner:/:repository.

  • owner (str) – (required), owner of the repository
  • repository (str) – (required), name of the repository
  • number (int) – (required), issue number



Return a dictionary with information from /rate_limit.

The dictionary has two keys: resources and rate. In resources you can access information about core or search.

Note: the rate key will be deprecated before version 3 of the GitHub API is finalized. Do not rely on that key. Instead, make your code future-proof by using core in resources, e.g.,

rates = g.rate_limit()
rates['resources']['core']  # => your normal ratelimit info
rates['resources']['search']  # => your search ratelimit info

New in version 0.8.

Returns:ratelimit mapping
Return type:dict

Number of requests before GitHub imposes a ratelimit.


Re-retrieve the information for this object.

The reasoning for the return value is the following example:

repos = [r.refresh() for r in g.repositories_by('kennethreitz')]

Without the return value, that would be an array of None’s and you would otherwise have to do:

repos = [r for i in g.repositories_by('kennethreitz')]
[r.refresh() for r in repos]

Which is really an anti-pattern.

Changed in version 0.5.

Parameters:conditional (bool) – If True, then we will search for a stored header (‘Last-Modified’, or ‘ETag’) on the object and send that as described in the Conditional Requests section of the docs
repositories(type=None, sort=None, direction=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List repositories for the authenticated user, filterable by type.

Changed in version 0.6: Removed the login parameter for correctness. Use repositories_by instead

  • type (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘all’, ‘owner’, ‘public’, ‘private’, ‘member’) API default: ‘all’
  • sort (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘pushed’, ‘full_name’) API default: ‘created’
  • direction (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’), API default: ‘asc’ when using ‘full_name’, ‘desc’ otherwise
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of repositories

Return type:


repositories_by(username, type=None, sort=None, direction=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List public repositories for the specified username.

New in version 0.6.

  • username (str) – (required), username
  • type (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘all’, ‘owner’, ‘member’) API default: ‘all’
  • sort (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘pushed’, ‘full_name’) API default: ‘created’
  • direction (str) – (optional), accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’), API default: ‘asc’ when using ‘full_name’, ‘desc’ otherwise
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of repositories

Return type:


repository(owner, repository)

Retrieve the desired repository.

  • owner (str) – (required)
  • repository (str) – (required)

the repository

Return type:



Retrieve the repository with the globally unique id.

Parameters:number (int) – id of the repository
Returns:the repository
Return type:Repository

Revoke specified authorization for an OAuth application.

Revoke all authorization tokens created by your application. This will only work if you have already called set_client_id.

Parameters:access_token (str) – (required), the access_token to revoke
Returns:True if successful, False otherwise
Return type:bool

Revoke all authorizations for an OAuth application.

Revoke all authorization tokens created by your application. This will only work if you have already called set_client_id.

Parameters:client_id (str) – (required), the client_id of your application
Returns:True if successful, False otherwise
Return type:bool
search_code(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find code via the code search API.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifiers:

  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the file contents, the file path, or both.
  • language Searches code based on the language it’s written in.
  • fork Specifies that code from forked repositories should be searched. Repository forks will not be searchable unless the fork has more stars than the parent repository.
  • size Finds files that match a certain size (in bytes).
  • path Specifies the path that the resulting file must be at.
  • extension Matches files with a certain extension.
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., addClass in:file language:js repo:jquery/jquery
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; option(s): indexed; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all available repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of code search results

Return type:


search_issues(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find issues by state and keyword.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • type With this qualifier you can restrict the search to issues or pull request only.
  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the title, body, comments, or any combination of these.
  • author Finds issues created by a certain user.
  • assignee Finds issues that are assigned to a certain user.
  • mentions Finds issues that mention a certain user.
  • commenter Finds issues that a certain user commented on.
  • involves Finds issues that were either created by a certain user, assigned to that user, mention that user, or were commented on by that user.
  • state Filter issues based on whether they’re open or closed.
  • labels Filters issues based on their labels.
  • language Searches for issues within repositories that match a certain language.
  • created or updated Filters issues based on times of creation, or when they were last updated.
  • comments Filters issues based on the quantity of comments.
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., windows label:bug
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: created, comments, updated; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1, returns all available issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of issue search results

Return type:


search_repositories(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find repositories via various criteria.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the repository name, description, readme, or any combination of these.
  • size Finds repositories that match a certain size (in kilobytes).
  • forks Filters repositories based on the number of forks, and/or whether forked repositories should be included in the results at all.
  • created or pushed Filters repositories based on times of creation, or when they were last updated. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples: created:<2011, pushed:<2013-02, pushed:>=2013-03-06
  • user or repo Limits searches to a specific user or repository.
  • language Searches repositories based on the language they’re written in.
  • stars Searches repositories based on the number of stars.

For more information about these qualifiers, see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., tetris language:assembly
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: stars, forks, updated; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1, returns all available repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), previous ETag header value

generator of repository search results

Return type:


search_users(query, sort=None, order=None, per_page=None, text_match=False, number=-1, etag=None)

Find users via the Search API.

The query can contain any combination of the following supported qualifers:

  • type With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just personal accounts or just organization accounts.
  • in Qualifies which fields are searched. With this qualifier you can restrict the search to just the username, public email, full name, or any combination of these.
  • repos Filters users based on the number of repositories they have.
  • location Filter users by the location indicated in their profile.
  • language Search for users that have repositories that match a certain language.
  • created Filter users based on when they joined.
  • followers Filter users based on the number of followers they have.

For more information about these qualifiers see:

  • query (str) – (required), a valid query as described above, e.g., tom repos:>42 followers:>1000
  • sort (str) – (optional), how the results should be sorted; options: followers, repositories, or joined; default: best match
  • order (str) – (optional), the direction of the sorted results, options: asc, desc; default: desc
  • per_page (int) – (optional)
  • text_match (bool) – (optional), if True, return matching search terms. See for more information
  • number (int) – (optional), number of search results to return; Default: -1 returns all available
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag header value of the last request.

generator of user search results

Return type:


set_client_id(id, secret)

Allow the developer to set their OAuth application credentials.

  • id (str) – 20-character hexidecimal client_id provided by GitHub
  • secret (str) – 40-character hexidecimal client_secret provided by GitHub

Allow the user to set their own user agent string.

Parameters:user_agent (str) – string used to identify your application. Library default: “{version}”, e.g., “”
star(username, repo)

Star a repository.

  • username (str) – (required), owner of the repo
  • repo (str) – (required), name of the repo

True if successful, False otherwise

Return type:


starred(sort=None, direction=None, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories starred by the authenticated user.

Changed in version 1.0.0: This was split from iter_starred and requires authentication.

  • sort (str) – (optional), either ‘created’ (when the star was created) or ‘updated’ (when the repository was last pushed to)
  • direction (str) – (optional), either ‘asc’ or ‘desc’. Default: ‘desc’
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of repositories

Return type:


starred_by(username, sort=None, direction=None, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories starred by username.

New in version 1.0: This was split from iter_starred and requires the login parameter.

  • username (str) – name of user whose stars you want to see
  • sort (str) – (optional), either ‘created’ (when the star was created) or ‘updated’ (when the repository was last pushed to)
  • direction (str) – (optional), either ‘asc’ or ‘desc’. Default: ‘desc’
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of repositories

Return type:


subscriptions(number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories subscribed to by the authenticated user.

  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of repositories

Return type:


subscriptions_for(username, number=-1, etag=None)

Iterate over repositories subscribed to by username.

  • username (str) – name of user whose subscriptions you want to see
  • number (int) – (optional), number of repositories to return. Default: -1 returns all repositories
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of subscribed repositories

Return type:



Make the authenticated user stop following username.

Parameters:username (str) – (required)
Returns:True if successful, False otherwise
Return type:bool
unstar(username, repo)

Unstar username/repo.

  • username (str) – (required), owner of the repo
  • repo (str) – (required), name of the repo

True if successful, False otherwise

Return type:


update_me(name=None, email=None, blog=None, company=None, location=None, hireable=False, bio=None)

Update the profile of the authenticated user.


True if successful, False otherwise

Return type:



Retrieve a User object for the specified user name.

Parameters:username (str) – name of the user
Returns:the user
Return type:User
user_issues(filter='', state='', labels='', sort='', direction='', since=None, per_page=None, number=-1, etag=None)

List only the authenticated user’s issues.

Will not list organization’s issues. See organization_issues().

Changed in version 1.0: per_page parameter added before number

    Changed in version 0.9.0:
  • The state parameter now accepts ‘all’ in addition to ‘open’ and ‘closed’.

  • filter (str) – accepted values: (‘assigned’, ‘created’, ‘mentioned’, ‘subscribed’) api-default: ‘assigned’
  • state (str) – accepted values: (‘all’, ‘open’, ‘closed’) api-default: ‘open’
  • labels (str) – comma-separated list of label names, e.g., ‘bug,ui,@high’
  • sort (str) – accepted values: (‘created’, ‘updated’, ‘comments’) api-default: created
  • direction (str) – accepted values: (‘asc’, ‘desc’) api-default: desc
  • since (datetime or str) – (optional), Only issues after this date will be returned. This can be a datetime or an ISO8601 formatted date string, e.g., 2012-05-20T23:10:27Z
  • number (int) – (optional), number of issues to return. Default: -1 returns all issues
  • etag (str) – (optional), ETag from a previous request to the same endpoint

generator of issues

Return type:


user_teams(number=-1, etag=None)

Get the authenticated user’s teams across all of organizations.

List all of the teams across all of the organizations to which the authenticated user belongs. This method requires user or repo scope when authenticating via OAuth.

Returns:generator of teams
Return type:ShortTeam

Get the user’s information with id number.

Parameters:number (int) – the user’s id number
Returns:the user
Return type:User

Return a quote from the Zen of GitHub.

Yet another API Easter Egg

Returns:the zen of GitHub
Return type:str (on Python 3, unicode on Python 2)

GitHubEnterprise Object

This has all of the same attributes as the GitHub object so for brevity’s sake, I’m not listing all of it’s inherited members.

class github3.github.GitHubEnterprise(url, username='', password='', token='', verify=True)

An interface to a specific GitHubEnterprise instance.

For GitHub Enterprise users, this object will act as the public API to your instance. You must provide the URL to your instance upon initialization and can provide the rest of the login details just like in the GitHub object.

There is no need to provide the end of the url (e.g., /api/v3/), that will be taken care of by us.

If you have a self signed SSL for your local github enterprise you can override the validation by passing verify=False.


Retrieve statistics about this GitHub Enterprise instance.

Parameters:option (str) – (required), accepted values: (‘all’, ‘repos’, ‘hooks’, ‘pages’, ‘orgs’, ‘users’, ‘pulls’, ‘issues’, ‘milestones’, ‘gists’, ‘comments’)
Returns:the statistics
Return type:dict
create_user(login, email)

Create a new user.


This is only available for administrators of the instance.

  • login (str) – (required), The user’s username.
  • email (str) – (required), The user’s email address.

created user

Return type:


GitHubStatus Object

class github3.github.GitHubStatus

A sleek interface to the GitHub System Status API.

This will only ever return the JSON objects returned by the API.


Retrieve API status.


Retrieve the last message.


Retrieve all messages.


Retrieve overall status.