0.6.0: 2013-04-05

  • Add sort and order parameters to github3.GitHub.search_users and github3.GitHub.search_repos.
  • Add iter_commits to github3.gists.Gist as a means of re-requesting just the history from GitHub and iterating over it.
  • Add minimal logging (e.g., logging.getLogger('github3'))
  • Re-organize the library a bit. (Split up repos.py, issues.py, gists.py and a few others into sub-modules for my sanity.)
  • Calling refresh(True) on a github3.structs.GitHubIterator actually works as expected now.
  • API iter_ methods now accept the etag argument as the GitHub.iter_ methods do.
  • Make github3.octocat and github3.github.GitHub.octocat both support sending messages to make the Octocat say things. (Think cowsay)
  • Remove vendored dependency of PySO8601.
  • Split GitHub.iter_repos into GitHub.iter_user_repos and GitHub.iter_repos. As a consequence github3.iter_repos is now github3.iter_user_repos
  • IssueComment.update was corrected to match GitHub’s documentation
  • github3.login now accepts an optional url parameter for users of the GitHubEnterprise API, courtesy of Kristian Glass (@doismellburning)
  • Several classes now allow their instances to be compared with == and !=. In most cases this will check the unique id provided by GitHub. In others, it will check SHAs and any other guaranteed immutable and unique attribute. The class doc-strings all have information about this and details about how equivalence is determined.